Time Table Creation Software For Schools and Colleges

Are you fed up with the hard work of scheduling timetable for your institute? Our team has developed a timetable software "TimeTableMate" to give you a break.

This timetable software is ideal for creating timetable manually and automatically for room, tutor and class. Using this timetable software one can take printout of created timetable and save the timetable in various formats like Image, Web page and CSV. Only a basic understanding of Windows is required to use this timetable software.

This timetable software will fulfill your needs because of its features like

  • Automatic and interactive scheduling for tutor, class and subject
  • Ease of use
  • Clash free scheduling of tutors, classes and room
  • Low cost
  • Manual and automatic modes

  • Tracks class hours.

  • Analysis of tutor teaching hours
  • Handy printouts of timetables
  • Options to print or save timetable in various formats.

Watch Timetablemate Live Demo from YouTube

Our Client List Includes | Tuscany Glen Primary School , South Africa | Glen Hill School, India | BGIS School , India etc

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If you want to know more details about the product,bulk licence,custom timetable software development,simply fill up the form below,one of our representative will be in touch with you soon.
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